Wednesday 25 March 2009

Question B: How does your music magazine represent particular social groups?

My initial research indicated a profile for the particular social group my music magazine is aimed at. It is typically male, late teens, middle class. They are into video games, live bands and socialising in pubs. It’s home-grown, a little bit grungy and intellectual as opposed to high street, ‘teeny bop’ and popular fashion. The image featured on the cover is representative of this demographic, the offers of exclusive content and the pioneering ethos represented in the ‘first ever’ feature will also appeal to the profile. The typical ideology of this group which is centred around being first, competitive and revolutionary is well represented by all of these elements featured on my cover page.

These themes are also found on my DPS. The band member is wearing odd socks but he is relaxed in his own idiosyncratic style slightly outside of the conventional norms. The accompanying monochrome images show him on stage, chilling out with other band members and back stage interviews. All blokey, relaxed, easy style.

The profile of this group will have an artistic flavour. The contents page echoes the more home made as opposed to ‘processed’ style. The retro typeface and rotoscoped frame typically represent this particular social group.

The above is an image of my contents page, which I feel accuratly reflects my target audience and therefore will attract them to buy my magazine. It is chaotic, busy and packed full of infomation relevent to the genre of Alternative Rock music.

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