Thursday 26 March 2009

Question G: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My learning curve on this project has been steep as I have been introduced to sophisticated tools such as market research and evaluation. I have been hands on in production techniques, photography and desktop publishing, as well as editorial, copywriting and art direction. This is all a long way from my preliminary task which was where I just had fun with letting my imagination dominate. I have moved on from instinctively judging what I think is right to a more scientific and considered approach which has given me a much better chance of success than just relying on a hunch.

Before embarking on this project I had never had to consider such things as the codes and conventions of magazines, textual analysis and deconstruction, mood boards, brain storming, market research and audience segmentation, compiling data and generating insight, technical, artistic and journalism skills. I have realised that success in a crowded market place such as that for magazines can never rely purely on luck or accident rather, it requires precision and evidence based approach, lots of hard work and maybe a bit of luck.

It’s been a long and hard journey and one which I have enjoyed, maybe now the time is right for Revolution!

Transformation of preliminary front page of my Esher College music magazine, to final design of my music magazine front page

You can see the difference in quality and care when seeing the prelim contents page compared with the music magazine contents page

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