Thursday 26 March 2009

Question E: How did you attract/ address your target audience? To what extent do you think you were successful?

My market research was key in attracting and addressing my target audience. I used the findings from my research to construct a psychological profile of a typical reader. Once I knew who I was talking to, I knew what language to use. This translated into the iconography and visual style of Revolution magazine informing everything from photography, layout, colour scheme, text and content. For example, 80% of people preferred live photography over posed photo shoots, and this is reflected in my edition of Revolution (contents page – Kings of Leon live at the 02). Items such as reviews, interviews and competitions all scored highly in my research, and are therefore featured prominently in my music magazine. I made a conscious decision to use language in all its forms, both visual and verbal that would be familiar and reassuring to my target audience. Revolution is like a mate you want to spend time with rather than a lover you have to work hard at.

I am satisfied that I have been successful in creating a dialogue with my target audience. Revolution looks, feels and sounds like a real magazine. It would not be out of place on the shelves of WHSmiths, alongside Kerrang, Q and NME. My conclusions are further backed up by some audience feedback that I conducted. One quote ‘it fits in nicely with similar magazines’ is typical of the audience reaction.

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